Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Next Superman?

yoz wassup everybody ~

long time no see right? (having a hard time recently...aih)

nevermind that, im back! (and i've updated my blog to apologize for someppl, you dont really have to read it)

oh btwz, am i still forbidden to use shortforms? like btw,tht,hes,nvr,c,evrby,ltns,nvm~etc.etc~ lo inform me on that asap ok?

ok, here goes

once upon a time, theres a guy called me, he was sitting in the car on the way to school, and suddenly, IT HAPPENED!

oh btw, hes listening to the radio ~ 92.9 not 93, which is not

he overheard tht the next superman is gona hit the cinemas or even your homescreen! not like destroying the cinemas and eat ur popcorn/drink ur coke or go to ur hse and peep at u peeing, but you know, just 'appearing' in the cinemas.

Lo, whats so great bout hititng the cinemas or ur home screen? well, its not great actually, this old movie is so old tht its not young, which means i cant rmb the main actor's name in reallity and in the show, issit John or Peter or Dawson or Gerrick?(lo tht could be my 1st nickname, tuition friend gave it to me but i've not accept it, so comment lo~) but i still rmb one particular thing, tht his name could NEVER NEVER NEVER  be 'abdulah or badawi'! omg their name is kinda funny though when you think bout it, lets see

hmmm...ok here goes


(just kidding, dont take it seriously dude*)

how bout...


(just kidding ALSO XDXD* dont ever take it seriously)

hey im not being racist! i do not rant and comment intelligently,stupidly,terribly!

ok where was i? the name thing hehe

going on!

ok, wait, oh ok, i rmb-ed-ed what i was suppose to type if not im gona like type the 'ko' style~

k back to normal speaking =.=

k tht day i was sitting in the car listening to hitz while shaking and nodding my head which you could probably figure what im doing which is not gay, i heard jj and ean tlaking bout the next superman.

at first i do not have any interest in it, come one man, not like the next superman is gona be very different than the last 2 episodes, not like hes gona kill aliens and transformers right?

but...the next superman main male actor could be Robert Pattison! oi im not a fan of his, im a fan of his girlfriend in his movie! lo jk~ wtv, but RP acting as superman? i think thts gona be so cool when he says this in the emoish vampire way :' i know the concequences...'

or this 'i will love you forever'
eh wait, that is repeated in his previous movie, so dont care bout it~

eh note:'' this could happen in the not so distant future, so pray for it and it might happen in a so not not not distan future''

but dont pray too hard, if not you wont even notice that the movie has happen in the not so distant pass~

so thats it, im outta ere~


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